Table of contents

- Putting soundposter to use
- Features of a standard soundposter
- Question & Answers


What you can easily do with us, some examples 

Make your festival website as attractive as your printed posters and get your mobile festival web-app on top. With a festival soundposter you allow thousands of visitors to share and listen to your festival schedule in advance, as well as providing your visitors an awesome gimme so they can maintain their heads as soon as they get on site.

And yes, it's as simple as building a standard soundposter but have a look what our full-service offer has done to the Torstrassenfestival-Crew.

Berliner Torstrassenfestival '13
Just do brand new mixtapes on the web and do them as you like, across streaming providers, albums, voice recordings, whatever.

herr ehrhardt & the moh - besto Malt's - Suff Daddy Mixtape
Surprise your current favourite bar, artist or style of music with an illustrated playlist.

mohjils best four c_a radio recordings
Introduce your remotely living friends or beloved ones to some new music you just fell into, like into the very next bar without him or her.

Songs by stefano for Julie Malted's elektrosounds fuer wiebke
Of course, just do the page where your fans and listeners go first when they show off your beautiful new online-record. Do it with us.

a2n_unconvention : factory berlin joe's trommler - free some hardtke - doppelpunkt
Send audible postcards or bring together your collection of web-radio streams. I mean, why not, if you feel like?

Postcard from Alt-Galow, Nationalpark Malteds selection of web-radios


As a short overview 

Each soundposter comes with the following set of standard features:

Unlimited number of tracks on a soundposter, tablet and mobile browser support for publishing web-apps, huge poster-graphic sizes possible on desktops, easy integration of soundposters into any website and special share features, also for varios social media channels, around single tracks.

Furthermore each soundposter
- automatically links each track to it's origin (streaming source page),
- allows you to label and link a webpage of your choice,
- allows rendering and placement of arbitrary texts on your soundposter,
- comes with some more pre-configured display options to select from and
- can embed your custom stylesheet definition file (CSS).

For custom made interactives above the standard set of soundposter-features, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.


Question & Answers 

How to create a soundposter, in short?
Upload your poster graphic to us, arrange your favourite sound streams on it and publish it.

For a better overview check out our new Introduction page.

What elements make up my soundposter?
Every soundposter basically is made up of two things:
- The so called poster graphic, which is a simple JPEG- or PNG-file and (as many)
- URLs (as you want) pointing to publicly available sound streams.

For a better overview check out our new Introduction page.